

Our team has carefully curated this selection of articles on all things weight.

As I complete my first year at Simplyweight, I look back upon how much the company has helped me grow both professionally and personally. I am grateful for having found a job which suits the best of my interests. It was August 17th 2023, when I was an eager and aspiring graduate of nutrition sciences. […]

As I complete my first year at Simplyweight, I look back upon how much the company has helped me grow both professionally and personally. I am grateful for having found a job

Irritable bowel syndrome, commonly known as IBS, is a long-term gastrointestinal disorder. It can lead to multiple problems related to the intestinal tract and cause discomfort. IBS is more likely to occur

Could it be that having such easy access to food and being seemingly well-nourished, we may, in fact, be at risk of malnutrition? Let’s discuss the problem of hidden hunger.   Malnutrition

What does our microbiome have to do with obesity and how can it be affected by our diet? Recently there has been a lot of focus on microbiome and microbiota, and their

More people are troubled with weight gain. Despite several diets, meal replacements, medications and increasing knowledge of healthy eating, the prevalence of obesity is increasing worldwide. Scientists across the globe are working

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has claimed more than 1.25 million human lives since December 2019. Almost 50 million people have had a confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection to date, the clinical spectrum of which

We all know that to lose weight you have to “eat less and exercise more”. This has been constantly drummed to us. However, the prevalence of obesity in the western world more

Most women struggle to lose weight after the age of 50, more so after menopause. There are several reasons why menopausal women struggle to lose weight. Menopausal women have to go through

A new medication called Setmelanotide has been approved in the US by the FDA (Federal Drug Administration). FDA is an organisation of the department of health and human services which works to

The Chance that a person with obesity (HIGH BMI) will develop severe COVID-19 is high regardless of age, sex, ethnicity and the presence of co-morbidities such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and

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The London Obesity & Endocrine Clinic featured in Marylebone Life
The London Obesity Clinic featured in Marylebone Life
The London Obesity & Endocrine Clinic featured in Richmond Life
The London Obesity Clinic featured in Richmond Life
The London Obesity & Endocrine Clinic featured in Mayfair Life
The London Obesity Clinic featured in Mayfair Life
Dr. Rajeswaran discussing how diabetes is helped by weight loss
Dr. Rajeswaran discussing how diabetes is helped by weight loss
TLOEC team on takeaways affecting the health of the Kirklees residents
The London Obesity Clinic team on takeaways affecting the health of the Kirklees residents
A member of The London Obesity team
A member of The London Obesity team
TLOEC team discussing the size of caskets in the UK getting bigger in the Metro
The London Obesity team discussing the size of caskets in the UK getting bigger in the Metro
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