How It Works

Is it calories in VS calories out?

Our approach

Most of our clients who seek help have already been through various diet plans, commercial weight loss plans, meal replacements and used various food/fitness trackers or apps. They usually have positive results to start with but eventually end up regaining the weight. Some regain more weight than they initially lost, leaving them feeling very discouraged.

Is it calories in VS calories out?

Many people understand the concept of “calories in vs calories out” so it isn’t enough to tell them to eat less and exercise more. If it were that easy then we’d all be doing it without any problems! Having seen thousands of patients who struggle with weight, our medical experience has taught us the real complexities of weight management. Our secret is that there is no one secret to effective weight management! People gain weight for various reasons including hormonal, psychological, medical and the list goes on. How can we give a single solution to such a complex problem? Instead, our experts use a unique 40-point system to create plans which help address the underlying cause for weight gain, help you lose weight and provide you the tools for long term weight maintenance. We educate you so that you have freedom in your life and are no longer controlled by food. Why do I eat or overeat? How do I overcome cravings? Why do I not get hungry at the right time of day? How can I prevent stress or emotional eating? The goal is to help you achieve a physical and emotional well-being so that you can be happy and have a good quality of life. We care much more about you than a “number” on the scale.

There are several causes of weight gain including:

  • Hormonal
  • Genetic
  • Altered metabolism
  • Lifestyle changes
  • Relationship problems
  • Altered hunger pattern
  • Unhappy childhood
  • Work pattern
  • Illness
  • Accidents
  • Operations
  • Medications and many more

How it works

All our plans are designed to help you lose and maintain weight in the long term by addressing the 3 key pillars of weight management: diet, activity and the mind. This is combined with decades of medical expertise to bring you weight loss solutions that are safe, effective and long-term.



Regular physical activity is important for weight loss but who said you have to buy expensive equipment or gym memberships? Simaktiv’s goal is to add physical activity into your lifestyle in a fun and convenient way. Our own workouts range from dance and Pilates to HIIT cardio. We even have low impact workouts and chair-based exercises for those with mobility issues.


Don’t like counting calories? Don’t worry, we don’t either! Simportion teaches the art of portion control for weight loss. We call it an art because a healthy diet should be flexible and enjoyable. Our experts have derived a formula to calculate ideal portions based on your personal details. By self-managing your portions and understanding nutrition, you can enjoy your favourite foods with zero guilt.


Emotional and mental wellbeing is at the forefront of our Plans. We offer a wide range of guided meditations, soundscapes and written materials to help you overcome the personal challenges that prevent you living your best life.Our intuitive approach comes from combining the valuable knowledge grounded in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and the direct, life experiences of our team. This personal style is why Simpeace resonates with so many of our patients.



Dr. Rajeswaran and his team have decades of combined experience in specialist weight management. Our skill set allows us to effectively treat weight-related medical conditions such as Type 2 Diabetes, Hypothyroidism, Infertility, PCOD and other complex conditions alongside helping you to lose weight sustainably. Our scientific approach helps you to re-programme your hunger pattern gradually and we ensure that our patients receive the necessary understanding of how their own bodies and minds work.

The London Obesity & Endocrine Clinic specialises in Weight Loss and Endocrine disorders at the Specialist Weight Loss Centre in Chennai, India. We offer face to face and virtual consultations with our specialist clinical lead, Dr Rajeswaran, who has 25+ years experience in this field. We support people with Obesity related medical conditions including Type 2 Diabetes, Fatty Liver, Infertility, Erectile Dysfunction, and Endocrine disorders like Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, PCOS, Hirsutism, Adrenal Dysfunction, Menopause, Pituitary problems and Sexual Dysfunction. Our services predominantly cover major cities in India including New Delhi, Bengaluru, Kolkata, Chennai, Mumbai and Pune. Many of our patients say that we are the best weight loss clinic or slimming centre in Chennai. We also offer aesthetic treatments, metabolic master health checkups, bespoke weight management plans and a unique online weight loss plan for wellness and weight management. Get in touch to transform your life!

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